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Dream Interpretations and Eye-opening Meanings

Are Dreams Deeply Meaningful Messages From The Subconscious?

Dream Interpretations…

Dreams reveal what needs your full attention, such as some long forgotten part of yourself that you have neglected. If you allow yourself to understand these messages, you can begin to find the solutions to the greater happiness you seek. 

Look at your dreams as messages from your subconscious; and yourself being the receiver and messenger.

In your dreams you are talking to yourself, about yourself. 
Read on to find out more about hidden meanings within your dreams. 

Dream Interpretation and meaning
Dreams are metaphors and cannot be interpreted literally. Dreams are usually revealing some aspect of ourselves, our goals hopes and desires.

The Dream…

A recent hypnotherapy client contacted me by email. She wanted to know more about a dream she had. It was very interesting to find the dream interpretation, and for the dream to reveal its meaning.

Read on…

Laura wrote… Last night I had this very profound dream. It was about something that I’d desperately wanted in my life but now, sadly, can never be. In the dream I had this “thing” and I was so happy. I also came to the realisation that if only I still had this opportunity I would be very happy.  

I kept thinking in the dream, “Oh god I hope this is real, I hope its not a dream”, and then of course I woke up. Its reopened some very painful wounds. I thought that I’d dealt with this issue with another counseling therapy over many years, but obviously on some level it’s still there. Can you give me your thoughts … 

Dream Interpretation…

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, dreams are metaphors and cannot be interpreted literally. Dreams are usually revealing some aspect of ourselves, our goals hopes and desires. They are not about other people or things that we dream about.

Dreams reveal what needs our full attention, such as some long forgotten part of ourselves that we have neglected. If we allow ourselves to understand these messages, we can begin to find the solutions to the greater happiness we seek.

Laura’s dream was showing her that she possess a longing to treat herself the same way as she would treat this treasured thing. The dream is guiding her to recognise that she can regain her happiness by nurturing herself in some way.

For example, I once had a dream that I had twins, a boy and a girl. And the boy was looking as though he was not well. He was not thriving. Even my grandparents in the dream were concerned about his health. He was looking very weak in comparison to the girl twin. But some part of me kept on telling me that he is normal and will regain strength some day. My dream interpretation; my subconscious was guiding me to be aware of my masculine/feminine balance. My dream was trying to show me I needed to become emotionally resilient and confident. Rather than becoming emotionally weaker without noticing.

When I wrote back to Laura, I said to her: “you can turn your dream into something meaningful”.

“Look at yourself here as the message; and the messenger”.

“You are talking to yourself, about yourself, in this dream. Your are showing a desire to love and appreciate yourself like the thing that you desperately wanted in the dream. Because you are happy in your dream it is an indication that some part of you has found the love for yourself. Just let the process complete itself, so that you can start feeling it in your waking hours. Hope this makes sense”. 

Lauras’s Response to the Dream Interpretation

Laura said: “What a beautiful interpretation. Thanks, it does make a lot of sense. I will just allow the process to unfold as it should”.

 The above dream review was taken from an actual client case history. Name was changed to protect client privacy.

Seven 7 common Dream Interpretations…

There are many books written about dreams and their meaning.

Here are 7 most common dreams and interpretations applied to certain topics within dreams, such as:

Water: rivers, oceans, pools – represent emotions. For example turbulent waves represent stress and anxiety

House: rooms within house – represent an aspect of yourself and your subconscious

Falling: Dreaming of falling is very common. Sudden fall from up high – suggests loss of control, insecure feelings, or feeling threatened. Dreaming of elevator falling represents a fear in real life— perhaps of failing at work or in your love life

Flying: Dreams of flying are common, typically flying in an airplane or gliding like a bird through the air – suggests a strong desire for freedom and overcoming limitations

Being Chased: Dreaming of being chased can feel scary and terrifying. But being chased in a dream might indicate a desire to escape from your own fears or desires

Death: Dying is another common subject of dreams and it can be frightening. Dreamers sometimes dream of a violet death of a loved one or being attacked and dying themselves. Popular dream interpretations suggest these dreams reflect anxiety about change or a fear of the unknown

Transport: Dreaming about cars or train stalling or speeding too fast – indicates how you are experiencing your journey in life

Further insights on WebMed about dream interpretation, indicating that dreams are cryptic messages from your subconscious. It is suggested that in fact, dreams are useful tools for self-discovery and problem solving. It just takes a bit of practice to learn dream interpretation.

My name is Katherine Ferris, clinical hypnotherapist and hypnotherapy is a form of psychotherapy. To find out more about hypnotherapy you can reach me via the contact form or give me a call.

Clinical Hypnotherapist in Sydney

Katherine Ferris - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Hypnotherapist – Sydney Wellbeing Centre

Mindfulness hypnotherapy services for emotional health and wellbeing. Hypnotherapy brings quick relief from stress, anxiety, panic attacks, habits and addictions, to stop smoking and gambling.

With 20+ years experience as a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist I own and run the practice at Sydney Wellbeing Centre in Macquarie Street, Sydney and Booth Street, Annandale, Inner West Sydney.