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IBS Hypnotherapy Sydney

IBS Hypnosis For Irritable Bowel – Gut Directed Hypnotherapy

Are bloating, gut pain and discomfort getting the better-of-you?

IBS hypnosis for Irritable bowel can help with pain and discomfort. IBS is a common but debilitating condition. During episodes you experience repeated discomfort from bloating, bathroom urgency and stomach cramps.

To give you lasting relief very effective IBS hypnotherapy treatments have been developed by Monash University. Including gut-directed hypnotherapy for relief of IBS flare-ups.

Healthy motivation for IBS and weight loss

Are You Suffering In Silence With Bouts Of Irritable Bowel?

Feeling anxious or embarrassed about your persistent IBS (irritable bowel) symptoms?

Are diarrhoea and bathroom urgency driving you crazy?

Is your nervous-stomach causing you to avoid unfamiliar places or to avoid travelling?

Rest assured you are not alone!

You’ve tried many elimination diets. Not to mention the frequent use of alka-seltzer, antacids and medications. Nothing has helped so far!

Let’s put a stop to your nervous-gut and the flare-ups. Read on. find out more…

IBS Irritable Bowel discomfort

Irritable Bowel Affects A Large Percentage of People

IBS Irritable Bowel is an unpleasant condition which affects a large percentage of our society. Even me and you will be affected at some point in our lives. Studies have shown that food intolerance, diet, stress and anxiety are a suspected trigger.

For example, you can experience a variety of IBS symptoms all at once. Such as; abdominal pain, diarrhoea, gas, cramping, and bloating. Another example is travel to destinations where water is contaminated with bacteria that can contribute to ongoing bowel problems.

As well as all that, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the name given to a host of otherwise unexplained symptoms relating to a disturbance of the colon or large intestine.

But, even if you suspect you have some of the more common bowel symptoms, it’s important you get a proper medical check-up. Just to make sure your symptoms aren’t caused by any other illness.

IBS Hypnotherapy Treatment

Discomfort and bloating, IBS abdominal pain and cramping are debilitating if you experience them over a long period of time.

Irritable Bowel Symptoms can become chronic and debilitating, both emotionally and physically. Having said that, apparently there’s no single cause attributed to Irritable Bowel. Although, a number of causes and IBS treatments are being investigated.

So let’s explore a different approach – hypnotherapy. One powerful approach that gets to the heart of the Irritable Bowel problems and brings lasting relief.
Hypnotherapy for IBS is now a well researched approach that is grounded in science.

Let’s Talk About Hypnotherapy For Irritable Bowel

Until recently, the possibility of using hypnosis to treat gastrointestinal problems received little attention. In the last 15 years, research has shown that hypnosis can influence gastrointestinal functioning in powerful ways. It has been found that hypnotherapy is particularly effective in helping patients manage irritable bowel and to control nausea and vomiting.

During a session of IBS hypnotherapy suggestions are made to normalise your bowel and digestive function. In a hypnotic state your subconscious-mind is more open to suggestions. A well trained clinical hypnotherapist knows how to make suggestions in hypnosis that are powerful.

This is different from other psychological treatments which mainly communicate with the conscious-mind.

In a relaxed hypnotic trance suggestions typically include imagery, visualisation and metaphors. For example, you are guided to visualise yourself taking therapeutic medicines which soothe your gut and bring healing relief from digestive discomfort, bloating and pain.

Hypnosis treatments for IBS Irritable Bowel and Gut focused hypnotherapy is helping busy people, just like you and me, beat the symptoms quickly and easily.

As an experienced Hypnotherapist I know that Irritable Bowel has many different causes. 

Together we will find a solution to what’s causing your IBS problems and help to ease them.

What Are Irritable Bowel Signs And Symptoms

As we have learned, Irritable Bowel Syndrome is the name given to a list of unexplained symptoms. These relate to an uncomfortable disturbance of the colon or large intestine. Some of the symptoms are:
  • Abdominal pain and discomfort
  • Swelling
  • Fluid retension
  • Cramping and pressure
  • Gas and bloating
  • Change of bowel habits
  • Constipation
  • Diarrohea
  • Urgency to go to the toilet
  • Causes Of Irritable Bowel Symptoms

    As previously mentioned, the underlying causes of irritable bowel are still unknown. Although some factors have been found to ‘trigger’ attacks in susceptible individuals. Similarly, environmental factors such as changes of routine, emotional stress, infection and diet can trigger an IBS attack.

    About one in 10 people suffer IBS symptoms severe enough to seek help from their GP. Below is a list of most common causes of IBS symptoms such as:

    • Abdominal Infection
    • Bacteria or virus
    • Inflammation
    • Dietary factors
    • Food intolerance
    • Stress and anxiety
    • Fear of soiling one’s pants
    • Medication side effects

    Here Are 5 Easy Suggestions To Reduce IBS Symptoms:

    1. Avoid large meals – small regular meals are easier to digest
    2. Drink plenty of water – to hydrate your body and helps with digestion
    3. Get plenty of exercise – such as walking or yoga – movement helps stimulate digestion
    4. Meditation and mindfulness – help to calm your mind, your body and digestive system
    5. Hypnotherapy – deals with underlying emotional causes including stress and anxiety. 

    Research Study Of IBS Hypnosis And Gut Directed Hypnotherapy

    1. Hypnotherapy has been successful in bringing about relief to IBS sufferers. And has once again attracted the spotlight in the Media. An IBS sufferer, together with prominent Gastroenterologist, expert on IBS Professor Peter Gibson, were interviewed on ABC 7:30 Report

      This report revealed that an Australian research team at Monash University, headed by Professor Gibson, dedicated many years to the ongoing study into causes and management of irritable bowel symptoms.

      Multiple well-controlled studies at Monash University, have shown that gut-directed hypnotherapy improves gastrointestinal symptoms. People with IBS improved by 70-80% and these improvements are maintained in the long-term.

      Recent specialised study compared the treatment of gut-related IBS hypnotherapy with that of the low-FODMAP diet. The results were dramatic and very promising.

      For instance, the low-FODMAP diet is considered the gold standard of dietary therapy for IBS sufferers.

      Likewise, researchers now confirm that IBS hypnotherapy is just as beneficial as the low-FODMAP diet. Studies have found that most people don’t have to drastically change their diet when they undergo the gut focused IBS hypnotherapy.

      However, this study had suggested that some foods are best to be eliminated from your diet initially.

    List Of Food To Avoid If You Suffer Symptoms Of IBS

    • fruits such as: apples, blackberries, apricots, cherries, nectarines, mangoes, pears, watermelon, or plums
    • fruit juice: canned fruit, dried fruit, high-fructose corn syrup
    • Spicy foods: chilli,
    • vegetables: artichokes, asparagus, beans, cabbage, cauliflower, garlic, lentils, onions, snow peas and sugar
    • dairy products: milk, cheese, cream
    • grains: wheat, rye
    IBS hypnosis and gut health

    Hypnotherapy Research For IBS Symptoms

    • The Monash University study isn’t the first time it was proven that hypnotherapy has lasting benefits on easing IBS symptoms.

      Scientists in Sweden have also found IBS Hypnotherapy to be an effective treatment for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A study involving 346 patients concluded that Hypnotherapy is a valid alternative treatment to ease the symptoms of IBS.

      What’s even more interesting, the study found that hypnotherapy not only alleviates the discomfort of IBS, but that overall beneficial improvements remain long-term.

    Gut health with Hypnotherapy

    Recommendation For Suspected IBS Symptoms

    Above all else, if you suspect you have IBS irritable bowel syndrome, it is imperative to seek proper medical advice. This is to make sure that your symptoms aren’t caused by bowel cancer or any other serious illness.For example, coeliac disease, diverticulitis or polyps produce same symptoms as IBS. Lactose or certain food intolerance could also produce bloating, cramps and diarrhoea.

    In conclusion, one in five Australians experience IBS irritable bowel syndrome. Research has shown that IBS hypnotherapy, together with a good diet, can be very effective in reducing the symptoms of bloating and bathroom urgency.

    As an experienced Hypnotherapist I know that IBS Irritable Bowel has many causes, and the same hypnosis treatment will not be for everybody.

    Together we will find a solution for your Gut pain and discomfort and help you get relief from them.

    Gut-directed Hypnotherapy Is Effective Via Skype

    Gut-directed Hypnotherapy is an effective IBS treatment via Skype. Even with severe irritable bowel symptoms, as indicated by a new study. 

    University of Manchester led a study of 20 patients who had received the IBS hypnotherapy treatment via Skype by Professor Peter Whorwell. The patients usually receive 6 to 12 hypnotherapy sessions in total. The first is face to face with the remaining sessions delivered via Skype. The favourable study results were published in the International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis.

    Professor Whorwell is a well known gastroenterologist at a Manchester Hospital, where he runs a hypnotherapy clinic for IBS patients.

    IBS Hypnotherapy sessions via Skype or Zoom are a great alternative. Especially if you suffer with severe symptoms and you are unwell and unable to travel. Similarly these online sessions will be of great benefit if you live too far away from Sydney.

    Get in touch today for more information on gut-directed hypnotherapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Call now Mobile: 0414 585 595 to make a SKYPE, ZOOM or FaceTime appointment for hypnosis IBS therapy sessions. Look up the Session fees and cancellation policy. I am Katherine Ferris, your local IBS Hypnotherapy specialist in Sydney, (02) 9568 6801. Alternatively, complete the contact form or book a session online