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PSH Therapy

PSH (Private Subconscious-mind Healing) therapy is designed to help you release outdated stories and trauma. Helping you to resolve problems you have been struggling with for years.

Negative thoughts and emotions have a profound effect on your health and wellbeing.

For instance, you’re probably not aware that some outdated emotions stemming from your childhood are behind your negative behaviour, self-doubt and insecurity.

The hurt feelings at the root of the problem took only seconds to manifest. It makes sense that once the issue has been located and released, that it should take only a short time to deal with it.

PSH therapy has been called a medical miracle for the mind by the Good Medicine Magazine. 

People who have been seeing a therapist for years are often amazed by the speed and effectiveness of PSH therapy. However the reason is logical and simple. 

PSH therapy is a particular style of hypnotherapy. It is unique in recognising that it’s not necessary to analyse and probe what is often sensitive personal information, in order for inner change to happen.

Treating the subconscious mind, using PSH therapy, helps you resolve emotions, such as stress, anxiety and constant worry. Which create tension and imbalance in the chemistry of your body.


How Does PSH Therapy Work?

PSH therapy provides you with the opportunity to initiate a communication process ‘within the inner mind.’And to permanently resolve problems you’ve been struggling with for many years, thereby restoring your emotional health and wellbeing.

Using your subconscious mind you are given the opportunity to review old fears, sensitivities or bad habits, within the privacy of your inner mind. As a result I’m sure you would gladly let go of emotions, which are outdated or inappropriate.

Since a part of you already knows everything you have lived through, you don’t have to relive the emotions or experiences.

Healing the subconscious mind, using PSH therapy, allows you to give yourself the opportunity to understand those emotions or turmoil differently to how you originally perceived them.

It’s time that we all realised there should no longer be a stigma attached to health problems that are initiated in our mind.

Where Can I Find A PSH Therapist In Sydney?

I am your local qualified PSH Therapist, my name is Katherine Ferris, located in the heart of the Sydney CBD and also in Annandale, Inner West of Sydney.

PSH therapy is suitable when negative or painful feelings, such as rejection, guilt, shame or fear have been pushed down and repressed at some earlier time. While they remain there, they have the power to negatively influence present feelings and behaviours.

 “…a wise sage once said: If you plant rice, rice will grow.
If you plant fear, fear will grow”. ~ Frank Wright, Author, Emotional Healing

The full title for the book is “Emotional Healing: PSH a New Therapy for the New Millennium” and can be purchased on Amazon as a kindle download.

The Negative Side Of Subconscious Mind Training

Your negative subconscious mind training starts from the day you are born. Because as a child you are bombarded with negative suggestions. Not knowing how to deal with them, you may have unconsciously accepted or repressed them.

Perhaps the reason ‘positive affirmations’ become unstuck is because there’s a conflict. Past negativity, rising from within, slowly undermines the conscious effort.

Frank Wright asks you to consider this affirmation: ‘I will be confident and succeed as a public speaker’, however, if the following negative suggestion was planted long ago: ‘I am not as good as other people’, then the positive affirmation will be rejected.

When a person suffers from persistent feelings of anxiety, stress, depression, or negative behaviours and responses that cannot be changed through conscious effort and willpower, this often indicates underlying emotional conflict.

This conflict is usually part of a subconscious process that can be changed with the help of PSH therapy. Because, just as the inner-mind has the ability to create a conflict, it also has the ability to change it.

Your Subconscious Mind And PSH Therapy

Subconscious mind resources and PSH therapy can help you reprogram your mind and change the way you think.

It’s good to be reminded that you have an intelligent mind – with the left and right brain hemispheres.

In fact, these two parts of your mind are quite different and unique in the way they process information and life experiences.

The conscious part of your mind deals with logic, intellect, verbal language, thinking and planning. This part of the brain is well developed only in the human species.

The subconscious to a large extent, is in control of your healing, automatic physical functions, your emotions, feelings, beliefs and long term memory. It processes thousands of bits of information. It is connected and communicates, via the brain stem, with your central nervous system and the entire body.

Research suggests that the integration of your brain hemespheres, the left and right brain, enables you to effectively reduce resistance to positive subconscious mind retraining. Helping you to change outdated subconscious patterns and  to change long held, self-sabotaging beliefs. It can accomplish that in a matter of minutes, not months or years.

Some people fear their subconscious-mind, having no idea what a useful part of their mind the subconscious really is.

Given the opportunity to learn more about it, they begin to truly understand and appreciate that the potential for permanent change has always been at their fingertips.

When you are unaware of the positive effects the subconscious mind can have on your life, it is easy to think of the subconscious as your enemy, when it seems to be sabotaging your efforts.

In reality, it is more like a misguided friend, attempting to do what it thinks is in your best interest.

It is not trying to keep you from achieving what is best for you, as an enemy might do. It is simply responding to old impressions or patterns and its ultimate goal is to protect you in some way.

The subconscious-mind is your personal interpreter and retriever of information, much like a computer, and by training the subconscious mind you can change the way you think.

Your subconscious mind brings forth in an instant the stored impressions, feelings or experiences, for your conscious logical mind to use. It also communicates with the unconscious mind to activate resources within, to help you change.

It can even understand outdated feelings and impressions differently, which is why PSH subconscious mind therapy is so effective.

Information or memory is stored within your unconscious. Although recent research indicates, you store memory throughout your body.

The unconscious-body/mind is non-judgemental, it does not care about good, bad or indifferent, it simply stores your experiences.

Everything you have lived through is registered within you. This is just as well, otherwise you would wake up every morning having to re-learn how to brush your teeth, drive your car or do your job.

PSH therapy enables you to use information and intelligence within your mind you already possess. It helps to restore health and wellbeing to your mental and emotional life. Similarly, it will endeavour to reduce the influence of prior negative thoughts and trauma.

How Many PSH Therapy Sessions Will You Need?

Everyone is individual and unique. However, most clients resolve their problems in an average of three to five PSH therapy sessions. It is important to emphasise that this is the start and not the finish of an inner process. 

The subconscious mind goes beyond learning new skills. It’s involved in information processing and affects everything we think, say and do. It stores our beliefs and values, determines our memories and monitors the information all around us, deciding what to send to the conscious mind and what to store for later. It affects every moment of our lives – and most of us don’t even know it.

So how long does it take to reprogram your subconscious mind? On average it takes about three to four weeks – but it could take longer. The answer will depend on how deeply ingrained the behavior is that you want to change, as well as your own limiting beliefs. 

How Much Do PSH Therapy Sessions Cost?

The cost of a PSH session is $290.00 but you can save a considerable amount of money by pre-paying 5 sessions. Each of the 5 sessions then costs less than $200 per session. Duration of each session is about an hour. Here is the full list of session fees.

PSH therapy helps you activate an inner process of communication, to increase the potential for permanent and lasting changes to self-limiting beliefs.

Many people continue to experience positive changes long after PSH therapy sessions are completed.

Client Testimonial

  • Be prepared for change… and “let it be”. Those were the key words that struck me in my first session of PSH few months ago. I wanted to overcome my negative attitudes, and to be contented in what I do. Several sessions of PSH therapy have opened a door to be my true self. I have renewed enthusiasm. ~ BM Sydney