My Quit Smoking Success Story…

ONCE UPON A TIME I smoked a packet of cigarettes a day.


Being a hypnotherapist, it was embarrassing to admit that I was addicted to smoking.

As a past long-time smoker, I am sharing my real life quit smoking story. I’m human and I have had habits that I managed to change.

I share my success story in the hope that it will help you quit

Looking back, I distinctly remember smoking was causing health issues. Symptoms of wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and lack of energy.

Just like many of you, I realised I had a smoking problem. I was addicted to cigarettes and nicotine. Rather than ignoring the symptoms, I decided to do something about it.

Now everything is different…

Thankfully, everyday I relish the freedom of being a non-smoker.

Do you want to join me?

Quitting is actually easier than you think!

I started smoking when I was a teenager

Back then, hanging out with my friends was important, I wanted to be a part of the in-crowd. Naturally, we wanted to look cool. We were trying to fit in.

Smoking made me feel like a bit of a rebel. You know, doing things I knew my teachers and parents would not approve of.

Similarly, you started smoking when you were quite young

It used to be a social thing to do.

Truth be told, I didn’t actualy like the taste of that first cigarette. It made me cough, it was awful. But I wanted to be like the cool kids, they seem to enjoy it.

So, I persisted.

I convinced myself to like it.

I got hooked.

You’ve been there, you’ve done that.

Once you are hooked smoking becomes an addictive habit that is difficult to break by willpower alone. Many people say they managed to stop smoking for a short time. But they took it up again because they become irritable, impossible to live with.

Just like me, I am sure you already know cigarette smoke contains harmful substances, toxins and chemicals. Every packet of cigarettes carries a warning.

Even though you know all this, you’re still finding it difficult to give up.

Well, you are not alone.

How difficult is it to quit?

hypnosis cds for stop smokingAnyone who’s tried to stop smoking, will say the same thing: “It’s so hard to quit”.

I’ve heard many stories of woe. A client once said: “my girlfriend told me to take up smoking again. Because I was so irritable and frustrated all the time”.

Other people say they tried nicotine patches and gum. But they still continued to smoke; even while they were wearing the nicotine patch. Of course, this is not safe. Because of negative side effects, of putting too much nicotine into the body.

From personal experience, I know that these methods did not work for me either. They failed miserably.

This Is How I Did It – My Stop Smoking Story…

In the early days of my career as a hypnotherapist I recorded a Stop smoking hypnosis CD.

After many years of smoking cigarettes I realised just how unhealthy I was getting. I was suffering with wheezing, coughing, being out of breath. Eventually I started listening to my stop smoking CD to help me quit for good.

Admittedly, it did take a number of weeks of listening to the CD before I managed to quit.

Alternativelly, a session or two with a hypnotherapist will help you quit faster.

Either way, the main aim is to become a non-smoker, whichever way is best for you.

Listening to the Stop Smoking CD helped me quit

As a result I am happy to tell you, I stopped smoking quite a few decades ago. In year 2003 actually.

Thankfully, I am pleased to say; “I’ve remained a happy non-smoker ever since”.

Benefits Of Being A Non-Smoker

The health benefits of quitting smoking are immense.

This is particularly true for those of you who are already suffering from ill health due to smoking.

There is no better time than today to start on the path to becoming a non-smoker. Breathe more deeply and regain your energy.

Stop smoking and enjoy outdoor activitySoon you will be enjoying fresh air and outdoor activities.

Go ahead, get in touch and commit to a session or two of hypnosis to help you stop. You are going to spend the money anyway, so why not spend the money on investing in your future health and stop smoking for good.

Or like me, you may choose to put aside time to regularly listen to the Hypnosis CD for Stop Smoking to help you quit. “I know it helped me”.

To find out more about hypnosis to quit smoking, feel free to call me on (02) 9568 6801 or send me an email or book a session online now.

This article originally appeared in the Wellbeing column March 2005 The Glenorian Gazette.

Katherine Ferris Edit profile

Hypnotherapist – Sydney Wellbeing Centre

Mindfulness hypnotherapy services for emotional health and wellbeing. Hypnotherapy brings quick relief from stress, anxiety, panic attacks, habits and addictions, to stop smoking and gambling.

With 20+ years experience as a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist I own and run the practice at Sydney Wellbeing Centre in Macquarie Street, Sydney and Booth Street, Annandale, Inner West Sydney.