Has addiction and substance dependence become a serious lifestyle problem for you?
Are you binging on alcohol, hooked on cocaine, cannabis or other substances?
Hypnosis can help you break the vicious cycle of addiction and substance abuse.
Set yourself free from cravings and withdrawals from drugs, overcome mental trauma, turmoil with hypnotherapy. Hypnosis can help you break the triggers and compulsive habits associated with addictions.
Addictions are created by your mind to mask your unresolved emotional turmoil.
Most importantly, hypnotherapy helps you deal with all those uncomfortable feelings buried deep within you, that led to the addictions.
Feelings that you didn’t even know existed. The hurt and pain that causes mental anguish. Habits and Addictions are usually created to disassociate you from past traumatic experiences. It is a mental response to shield you from painfully charged emotions.
This becomes a coping mechanism to protect you from past experiences where you felt mistreated or abused emotionally or physically.
There is no better time than today to put your life back on track!
Get in touch to find out more.
At first these substances help you cope and disassociate from your mental turmoil.
You convince yourself its an easy way to calm your nerves. You start to think “it’s no big deal”, you can handle it. But before you know it you’re hooked…
Yes, you get hooked on the “high” and then you keep chasing that next hit.
Once you’re hooked, be it alcohol, cocaine, cannabis, smoking, or gambling, it’s really hard to break free.
Does your addiction cause your life to resemble a train wreck?
Substance dependance is a bad habit that’s difficult to break by willpower alone. Therefore, this is when hypnosis to beat cravings and dependance can help.
A compulsive addict discovers that as the “high” declines, the urge to get another drink or a hit, becomes stronger”
People often think that using drugs is about you having a bit of fun, getting high.
Unfortunately, your compulsive addiction causes painful withdrawals, you need the “fix”. While you keep taking these substances, you crave more and more of them.
Mistakenly you believe that you will eventually stop. But when you stop using, your body creates withdrawal symptoms.
A vicious cycle develops!
As your addiction grows in intensity, your ability to control the urge is weakened.
Sadly, you got sucked into a compulsive addiction you can’t control. It’s now controlling you… playing havoc with your life.
Many people with addictions were responsible, even dependable people, just like you. However, life’s stressful situations, trauma, pain, insomnia and emotional turmoil become a trigger for substance abuse. Vulnerable people experiencing emotional or physical pain, are susceptible to becoming dependant on substances to make them feel better.
As a result, they develop addictions to sleeping pills, pain meds, drowning in alcohol or illicit drugs for reasons such as:
Compulsive addicts will experience at least some of the following symptoms:
Some people manage to stop taking addictive substances for a short time.
But they take it back up again. Maybe because they became irritable or the withdrawal symptoms become too difficult to live with. Hypnosis can help break the triggers and compulsive habits associated with addictions.
Celebrations, parties and events, are well known for drink binging and losing control. Overindulging in food, drink, drugs and hanging out with the wrong crowd can lead to an unhealthy lifestyle.
Frequently, excessive nights of partying leave you shattered during the daylight hours.
That’s because those big “binge nights” commonly leave you high wired, unable to sleep and feeling exhausted the next day.
Frequently, it’s hard for compulsive addicts to wake up from hallucinations that pull the wool over their eyes. As a result, drug dependance becomes a bad dream, and a waking nightmare.
It is estimated that a large percentage of Australian adults are affected by various drugs and substance addictions. On average these are some of the statistics of addictions:
1 in 20 adults abuse various substances every week
1 in 4 adults drink alcohol to excessive levels
1 in 10 adults become addicted to opioids and pain meds
1 in 10 adults smoke cigarettes or tobacco
1 in 25 adults use sedatives for insomnia
Compulsive addictions affect you, not only physically but also emotionally. Addiction and drug abuse can result in mental changes and damage to your brain and other organs of your body. Don’t live in denial because your health and wellbeing are at risk.
As a result, issues caused by addiction put a strain on your work and family relationships. Failure to stop drug abuse will frequently lead to mental health and lifestyle problems such as;
There’s a lot more at stake here, rather than just compulsive substance abuse itself. Every time you fail to stop the cravings, you reinforce that failure. Furthermore, you hide the truth from yourself and others about the extent of your addiction.
Subsequently, you end up feeling even worse than before. Along the way, you feel drained physically, emotionally and financially.
As a result you lose trust in yourself, your willpower is eroded. Similarly your stress levels go through the roof.
You’ve been there, you’ve done that. Are you ready to stop?
Yes, hypnotherapy can be effective in addressing habits and addictions by re-programming the subconscious mind to break negative patterns and replace them with healthier choices.
Stop Addictions, Habits and Substance dependance with Hypnosis.
Powerful suggestions during sessions of hypnotherapy have sucessfuly helped many people, just like you, to stop addictions permanently!
Hypnosis to stop addictions puts you back in control of your life.
No more money down the drain on expensive substances.
No more withdrawal pain.
No more sleepless nights.
You’ll be glad to know it’s a huge relief for many people. People who happily share their long term success at being sober and free from substance dependence.
Just touching base and sending you my update on my progress and also to express my immense gratitude for your help. I’ve been able to avoid my past binge drinking behaviours ever since your sessions. I’ve been able to have a few drinks with friends without any fear or need of reverting to drinking or drugs on number of occasions now. I feel free to get on and enjoy my life. So, thank you so very much again. I have passed your number to several friends who I have told about my results. ~ O.D.
I wanted to reach out and say a massive thank you! I have just gone two years sober and free from cocaine. This is a milestone in my life. I cannot express how much of a positive impact this has had on my life. Thank you again! Your assistance and guidance in my progress are eternally appreciated. ~ D.C.
To be honest, I didn’t believe hypnosis would make such a big difference in my life. I still remember the calmness I felt following your hypnosis sessions, I will never forget it!! After my first few sessions in October, I stopped binge drinking. Since then, not only did I save money, but I am happy to say, I am pregnant now. It was perfect timing, it all worked out so well. Thank you ~ R. G.
My partner came to see you for his cannabis addiction. He stopped his dependence on it and he seems so different, happy within himself. Almost a whole new lease on life, like the fog has been lifted. He speaks highly of you and how much better and more motivated he feels. ~ J.M.
Addiction Hypnosis cost of each session to stop substance addictions is $350
Receive a discount when you pre-pay 3 x hypnotherapy sessions – its only $870 for the three….
(much less than some people spend on addictive substances)
You are going to spend the money anyway, so why not spend it on investing in your future health.
Addiction Hypnosis can help you regain your physical and emotional health and stop substance abuse for good.
Here is the full list of clinical hypnotherapy fees.
Go ahead, get in touch today. Make a commitment to three or four sessions to stop Addictions with hypnosis, to get your life back on track.
I am your local hypnotherapist ready to help you stop your compulsive substance addiction. Invest your wellbeing and enjoyment in life, instead of waisting your life away. Get over the pain of addiction to cocaine, cannabis, alcohol, pain killers etc.
You’ve been there, done that. Now you can get over it.
You are not stuck. Your are just committed to certain patterns of behaviour. Because it helped you in the past. Now the behaviour is more harmful than helpful. The reason you can’t move forward is because you keep applying the same old formula to a new level of your life. Change the formula to get a different result. ~ Emily Maroutian
Get in touch today for more information on clinical hypnotherapy to stop substance addictions quickly.
To make your appointment for a hypnosis therapy session, call to speak to me directly.
I am Katherine Ferris, your local registered clinical hypnotherapistand Addiction Specialist in Sydney on 0414 585 595.
Alternatively fill out the contact form or go ahead and book a session online.
More information: Government office for addiction information for residents of NSW.
Clinical Hypnotherapy Services helping you find relief from Trauma, PTSD, IBS, Insomnia, Anxiety and Panic Attacks.
Professional clinical hypnosis treatment to quickly quit addictions and habits such as; gambling, smoking, vaping, binge drinking, weight issues and sugar cravings.
Let me guide you with Hypnotherapy and hypnosis sessions to resolve turmoil, lack of self-confidence, insecurity, fear of public speaking, fear of driving, fear of heights, and fear of flying.
Visit Hypnotherapy Sydney Wellbeing Centre in the heart of Sydney CBD and Annandale, Inner West
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