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Stop anxiety ruining your day

Is Anxiety Ruining your day?

Have you ever asked yourself: “How can I stop anxious thoughts running amok in my mind?”
How can you stop Anxiety ruining your day?

Today, you are faced with a lightning-speed fast pace in life, much faster than at any time in history. 
You’re exposed to ever-changing technology, internet, social media, resulting in too many choices and options.

As a consequence you find yourself mentally overstimulated and overthinking. This overexposure to stimuli and choices can lead to an acute state called “analysis paralysis”. Uncertainty and overthinking are said to be a leading cause of stress and anxiety. 

We’re probably very similar, you and I.
Each one of us will experience daily struggles and anxious moments. We get overwhelmed by worry, uncertainty, work deadlines and life issues.

Let’s explore how you can stop anxiety ruining your day…

Did you know you can stop anxiety in its tracks with hypnotherapy?

Persistent overthinking,  limiting beliefs from past experiences, often cause anxiousness. Are your beliefs keeping you stuck and feeling anxious?

You are not stuck. Your are just committed to certain patterns of behaviour. Because it helped you in the past. Now that behaviour is more harmful than helpful. The reason you can’t move forward is because you keep applying the same old formula to a new level of your life. Change the formula to get a different result. ~ Emily Maroutian

Reduce Anxiety and Panic Attacks with correct breathing

Symptoms of anxiety are said to be the result of worry about future events. The symptoms of fear are a reaction to current events. Physical symptoms of both fear and anxiety, can be triggered by hyperventilation, which can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood. Carbon dioxide regulates the physical reaction to anxiety, fear and panic.

A person who suffers from anxiety can greatly benefit from learning to breathe more calmly. When we breathe from the diaphragm, rather than the chest, we learn to safeguard against hyperventilation. The key is to allow your belly to expand as you breathe in.

Reduce anxiety with correct breathing. This way of breathing means your abdomen moves, rather than your chest. It also helps to slow your breathing down while feeling anxious.

Reduce Anxiety and anxious thoughts - by becoming mindfully aware of them

Many people tell me they’ve tried to eliminate stress and worry, by being more mindful. They’ve tried mindfulness and positive affirmations. But a part of them still dwells on negative, anxious thoughts.

The reason it’s so hard to change negative thoughts “consciously” is because the problem is imprinted in your subconscious-mind.

Communicating positive thoughts from your conscious-mind to your subconscious-mind is difficult. That’s because it needs to be done with strongly felt emotions.

Only thoughts with genuine emotions make it to the subconscious-mind. And thoughts that are supported by a strong emotion stay there.

Unfortunately, fearful or negative emotions are usually stronger than the positive ones. That’s why it’s so hard to stop anxiety.

But nevertheless relief from anxiety is possible. Stop anxiety in it’s tracks with hypnotherapy.

Read on…

stop anxiety
Why use hypnotherapy?... Because hypnotic suggestions can empower your subconscious-mind to change it's negative self-talk. As a result you can stop anxiety from ruining your day.

Eliminate self-talk loaded with fear and negative emotions

Fear often creates anxious thoughts. Especially when you are strongly emotional about them. This is why strong emotions and negative self-talk produce such harmful effects. Because fearful expectations and overthinking reinforce the cycle of anxiety.

Eliminating negative thoughts to stop anxiety, as soon as possible, is very important. You can do that quickly and easily with the help of hypnotherapy.

Letting go of outdated emotions; self-doubt, stress, anxiety, worry – starts by reprogramming your subconscious beliefs. Anxiety relief can be achieved and emotional health can be restored.

You can stop anxiety, poor coping skills and emotional issues, by using your subconscious abilities. Stop the negative self-talk, or at least make sure your thoughts are not loaded with pessimistic emotions.

Everything you have ever lived through, experienced or learned is registered within you.

Use Hypnosis and the power of your subconscious mind to eliminate thoughts loaded with negative emotions.

Subconscious potential to reduce fear and stop anxious thoughts

Let’s talk about how you can reprogram or stop anxious thoughts that lurk in your subconscious-mind. Some people have no idea what a resourceful part of their mind – the subconscious really is. Most people don’t realise that they possess such a valuable mental ability.

Given the opportunity to learn more about it, you will begin to truly understand, that the potential for permanent change has always been right at your fingertips.

The subconscious-mind is your personal interpreter and retriever of information and memory.

Information however,  is not just stored in your mind. Research indicates you store memory throughout your body. For example, you have cellular memory, muscle memory, as well as mental emotional memory, and so on.

The subconscious-mind brings forth in an instant, beliefs, feelings or habits; for your conscious mind to use at any given moment.

Just as well, otherwise you’d wake up every morning having to re-learn how to dress yourself, make breakfast or brush your teeth.

The subconscious mind is non-judgemental, it doesn’t care about good, bad or indifferent. It simply stores and retrieves your emotions, beliefs, addictions and habits such as gambling or smoking. 

Just as importantly though, it can help to make changes to the way you think, feel and do things.

Stop Anxiety before it becomes a habit

The subconscious-mind creates all habits, beliefs and responses. Habits are useful, they give us the ability to do things without thinking. But stronger emotions such as fear, anxiety, stress or worry, are “(9) nine times out of ten” given priority. It is a survival mode, a protective design, to keep us safe.

Unfortunately, fear, habitual anxious thoughts, negative or painful past experiences get entrenched. Causing you to feel stuck.

As result you may have developed negative coping strategies, like smoking or vaping, binge drinking or binge eating.

For instance, self-medicating with binge drinking may have helped you drown out your negative self-talk in the past. But, the morning after hangovers, cause you even more acute anxiety and poor coping skills.

Stop anxiety ruining your day. You can stop anxious thoughts running amok in your mind with the help of hypnotherapy.

Stop Anxiety in its tracks – change negative self talk with hypnosis

Stop anxiety in its tracks. Stop listening to your negative self-talk. Stop overthinking and catastrophising.
For instance, pessimistic thoughts such as; something bad “always” happens; can cause you to overreact, which in turn can cause more anxiety,

Of course, you may not even be aware that some persistent negative emotions are stemming from your childhood. Parents for example, may have used harsh discipline and discouraged expressions of emotions like crying or anger or frustration. As a result it may have contributed to your current emotional behaviour; such as self-doubt, low self-esteem, anxiety and much more.

In the past it was believed that all our emotional problems were to be blamed on our parents. That delving into the past to re-experience the repressed emotions; was thought to be the solution.

Blaming others for negative emotions?

But how can blaming your parents, or blaming anything for that matter, solve your problems? 

Frequently, it just perpetuates the bad feelings.
Why give power to something in the past, that you feel powerless to fix.

Given the opportunity, I’m sure you would gladly let go of those unwanted feelings and emotions. 

Instead of blaming, it’s possible to resolve old emotional turmoil, without re-living past troublesome or painful events.


Quickly and easily, with the help of hypnotherapy,. Put a stop to anxiety and turmoil from ruining your day.

Say goodbye to Anxiety with hypnotherapy and reduce emotional turmoil?

Say goodbye to constant stress and worry. Put a stop to your anxiety and panic attacks – with hypnosis therapy.

Why use hypnotherapy? 
Because with hypnotic suggestions you can instruct your subconscious-mind to eliminate your negative self-talk. Stop anxiety from ruining your day.

A part of you knows every thought, every habit, everything that’s made an impression on you. What you need to do is to begin to understand those old emotions from a fresh perspective. To understand things differently, to how you perceived them back then, when you were younger.

Hypnotherapy helps you to get in touch with the underlying cause of anxious turmoil. Helping you release outdated emotions that are triggering anxiety. You will be glad you did, and you will sleep better as a result.

Interestingly, during sleep your brain also undergoes a process similar to hypnosis. Researchers have discovered that during sleep accumulated waste and toxins are washed away from your brain. Restoring your brain function after a busy day of learning, thinking or worrying.

In a similar way an experienced hypnotherapist knows how to guide you, to reduce anxiety, stress and worry.

Review those old fears and sensitivities in hypnosis in a safe, calm, mature way. Let go of outdated or inappropriate habits, panic attacks and anxious emotions. 


Struggling with anxiety or panic attacks?

Let me help you find peace and calm confidence through effective hypnotherapy sessions. Hypnosis treatments with a qualified hypnotherapist provide you the opportunity to initiate a powerful communication process, ‘within the subconscious mind’. Easily and quickly, reduce anxiety and resolve problems you’ve been struggling with for many years.

Anxiety Relief and Emotional Health can be achieved with hypnosis therapy. Let go outdated emotions from your younger years. With hypnosis therapy you can release habits that have been bothering you and causing anxiety, stress and worry.

Say good-bye to constant negative mind-chatter, fear, stress and worry. Don’t let anxiety control your life any longer!
Contact me for a consultation today! Get in touch now schedule and book a session today!

Katherine Ferris - Clinical Hypnotherapist

Clinical Hypnotherapist – Sydney Wellbeing Centre

Hypnotherapy services for mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Hypnotherapy brings quick relief from stress, anxiety and panic attacks. Also, hypnotherapy easily helps you to beat unhelpful habits and addictions, to stop smoking and gambling.

With 20+ years experience as a Registered Clinical Hypnotherapist I own and run the practice at Sydney Wellbeing Centre in Macquarie Street, Sydney. And I share rooms at Booth Street, Annandale, Inner West Sydney.